Category Archives: New Year’s Resolution

Tips for Choosing a New Year’s Resolution for 2020

Choosing a New Year’s Resolution for 2020 needs some personal reflection and quality quiet time. Planning should always have a priority and allocated time.

As the first of the year quickly arrives, you may stop and think about the New Year.  If you are like many other Americans, you may opt for a New Year’s resolution.  But what should it be?  How can you choose the perfect New Year’s resolution?

Look at the main aspects of your life 

These aspects are health, family, and finances. Carefully examine each and you may automatically get your New Year’s resolution.  Have you been letting your health slip?  If so, make a quest to eat healthily and visit the doctor more.  Have you been focusing too much on work?  If so, make your New Year’s resolution spending more time with family.  Are you in debt?  Make this your year to get out from under it.

Consider your stress sources 

We all have stress.  Unfortunately, many individuals mistakenly believe that stress is unavoidable, but it doesn’t have to be.  Look at what causes you stress.  It is an unclean house, long hours at work, or limited financial resources?

In most cases, New Year’s resolutions are designed to change and improve one’s life.  Now is your chance to do so.  Examine your sources of stress and see what ones you can change.  For example, you can lose weight, improve your productivity at work so you don’t have to work late, spend more time with your family, or limit your purchases to get out of debt.

Pick one New Year’s resolution at a time 

As previously stated, you should look at the main aspects of your life and stress sources to decide on a New Years’ resolution.  Since stress is every day and a lot causes it, you may automatically come up with three different New Years resolutions.  This is nice, but pick one and stick with it.  It is easy to get out of debt or lose weight, but you may find it too difficult to do both at the same time.  To increase your chances of making your New Year’s resolution right, don’t put too much on your plate.

Write down your options

As mentioned above, it is common for many Americans to have many aspects of their lives they want to change.  Most want to have better relationships with their families, lose weight, or get out of debt.  Since you are encouraged to start with one goal at a time, write down all of your options. Carefully examine them and see what is most important to you.  That should be your New Year’s resolution.  Also, don’t throw your list of goals away.  Keep it.  If you meet your Near Year’s decision early in the year, work on the rest of your list.

Choose a realistic New Year’s resolution 

One mistake that people make is aiming too high.  Yes, it is good to do so, but that often results in disappointment.  That disappointment causes many to stop trying altogether.  Do you want to lose weight?  Good.  Instead of saying you must lose 30 pounds by March, give yourself the entire year.  This way you are not in a rush.  When you give yourself time to achieve your New Years’ resolution, you are more likely to see it become a reality.  If you set realistic goals, they will be easier to meet.  In fact, if you do so early, start working on other aspects of your life to improve.  You do not have to wait until New Year’s to make a change.

Many use New Year’s resolutions to make a significant life change.  You do not have to do so too.  Are you in good shape, have a good relationship with your family, and are not in debt?  If so, you may not have a huge goal to set.  That doesn’t mean that you can’t make a New Year’s resolution.  Instead, think of something small but meaningful.  For example, redecorating your home, buying Christmas gifts ahead of schedule, or helping others in need is unique, but good resolutions.

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New Year’s Resolution and a Clean House: Make It Happen

New Year’s Resolution and a Clean House: Make It Happen

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Is your New Year’s resolution to have a clean house? It may be. With hectic lives, busy work schedules, and kids, many Americans find themselves living in a mess. Although most homes are “clean,” may are cluttered. Is yours one of them? If so, don’t only make the resolution to clean your house, but turn it into a reality. For tips on how to do so, please continue reading on.

So, have you made your New Year’s resolution to be a clean house? If so, one of the first things you want to do is write it down. Verbal resolutions are often pushed to the back of the mind and forgot about. Don’t let this happen. Write down your New Year’s resolution and place in a prominent location, such on your refrigerator. That written note can serve as your motivation. Each time you see it, you will be reminded of your goal.

After writing down your New Year’s resolution to have a clean house, you need to share it with others. This is important as you cannot be solely responsible for a clean house. Do you have a spouse, a live-in partner, or children? They need to help too. Talk to your children about keeping their toys picked up, your husband about putting dirty clothes in the hamper, or your wife about keeping the dishwasher filled and running. When all home occupants are onboard, it will be easier for you to achieve your New Year’s goal of having a clean house.

After deciding on a New Year’s resolution and sharing it with your family, you may be ready to get started with cleaning. But, wait! You should first do a few things. For starters, it is important to know that a clean house is nice, but it will not last. Old habits are hard to break. That is why it is important to discuss your New Year’s resolution with your family. Do your children leave their toys lying around? Encourage them to put them away afterwards, and so forth. You too, need to make important changes. What are your weakness? Do you let dishes pile up in the sink? Do you toss dirty clothes on the floor? Make the change.

As previously stated, many Americas actually have clean houses. For some, an unclean house is more than dirt and grime. Too much clutter can translate into an unclean and possibly unsafe home. To reduce clutter and make it easier to keep a clean and organized home, examine tools available for sale. For example, Rubbermaid has a number of closet organizers for sale. There are storage shelves designed for sheds and garages, and so forth. Whether you need to organize under your kitchen sink, a playroom, or the bathroom, you should be able to find a tool to help you get started.

So, why should you buy organizational tools? Because the make it easier to break old habits. If you or someone in your family is known for kicking off shoes wherever, buy a shoe organizer. There are small shelves available for sale, as well as hanging shoe organizers with pouches. If you are concerned with costs, look for items that are on sale or wait and save money. Most individuals mistakenly believe they need to meet their New Year’s resolution as soon as possible. Can’t afford to buy a closet organizer until May? So what? At least you are taking steps to have a clean and organized home.

Although most unclean homes are due to clutter, there is no harm in cleaning. In fact, you should do both. When organizing a hallway closet, take all items out. Dust the closet and then quickly vacuum the floor. Before putting item back in, look at use. Donate, sell, or throw away anything your family no longer needs. When you combine cleanliness with organization, you are not only going to make your New Year’s resolution a reality, but a lifelong habit.

Happy New Years 2018

Thank you for visiting website and reading this New Year’s Resolution and a Clean House: Make It Happen article post. I hope the New Year 2018 is a Good One for you and your family.  Cheerio!

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